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Eating food by other raw chef's

Writer: Skye ConwaySkye Conway

This week I have been part of the Ultimate Raw Vegan Bundle. My NEW ebook Roar CLASSICS is in the bundle as well as many other raw vegan chef's recipes and contributions.

I have been trying raw vegan recipes by other chef's like Chris Kendall, Matt Bennett and Daniel McKinnon this week. This was very fun and exciting as I usually only eat recipes I have created. Today share my experience and how some of these recipes turned out.

The first recipe I tried was called Creamy Orangy Bok Stew by Chris Kendall from his eBook contribution to the bundle called "Carving Buster Sweet & Savoury Stews" .This dish was full of flavour, super creamy and had lots of different textures going on.

It was so fun trying this recipe. I learnt a couple new tricks to use when I create my Roar recipes too! I have to highly recommend this dish and I loved how it was full of raw ingredients I rarely use. You should definitely go check out Chris's ebook!

Raw vegan stew
Creamy Orangy Bok Stew

Raw vegan stew
Creamy Orangy Bok Stew

The next recipe I tried in bundle week was Daniel Mckinnon's Raw vegan Marinara sauce from his ebook in the bundle called "Raw Nation: Living Food's for the Masses". This was such a hardy dish and absolutely perfect as we in Australia head into winter!! The sauce was thick and a little warm from the blender. It had veggies in the sauce and it went really well with thick zucchini fettuccine noodles I made!!! This is a must try dish too!! I will be having this again and trying more from Daniel's new recipe ebook soon!!

Raw vegan marinara
Marinara sauce with zucchini fettuccine

Raw vegan marinara
Marinara Sauce with zucchini fettuccine

Another new favourite recipe that I tried in the bundle was Matt Bennett's Pineapple Ranch 5 Star Salad with Macadill Ranch dressing. This was one very incredible salad from his new ebook "5 Star Salads" I did swap out the nuts in this recipe for coconut meat. It was a huge rainbow salad with a beautiful creamy dressing that reminded me of a McDonald's ranch sauce!! The salad was sweet and savoury and had me trying even more new ingredients that I had not used very much in my recipes.

Raw vegan salad
Pineapple Ranch 5 Star Salad

Raw vegan salad
Pineapple Ranch 5 Star Salad with Macadill Ranch dressing

All of these recipes are in the Ultimate Raw Vegan Bundle and with over 400 recipes in the bundle it is worth the price of $50 USD. As a raw vegan chef and raw food health coach I can want to recommend how important having a large amount of recipes that you can use, make your own and learn from and support you on your raw foods journey is worth. I have learnt so make from other raw vegans and I feel all my new recipe will also benefit from trying out otherā€™s raw vegan chef's recipe delights.

If you want to grab the bundle then head over to the website where you can read more about all you will get in this bundle. Also make sure you subscribe to the Roar website if you havenā€™t already. I share. 100's of recipes, advice, guides, podcasts', interviews and more right here at Roar!!



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